Monday, March 2, 2009


History is littered with genius. And in many instances the most educated people in history have designed our systems of laws and government, our scientific methodologies, our educational systems and even some of our greatest works of art.

It seems that it's only in America and in recent times in which the people who strive for and reach the highest level of educational achievement are subject to the ridicule of the masses. Why is that? Is it the sin envy gone terribly awry?

I bring this up because I'm today transcribing my interview at Harvard University with Dr. Steven Pinker. He is by so many degrees more educated and intelligent than I am and his insights so brilliant - I have a hunch I could publish just the transcription of our interview and it would hit the mark.

I have enormous regard for the well educated, especially those who've managed to remained founded in the realities of the living world, as Pinker has. I will certainly be including many of his words in my book and thank him again for his generosity of time and thoughtfulness in speaking with me.

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