Saturday, April 25, 2009

Interviewing challenges

I had a lovely interview with Rabbi David Gelfand in Manhattan this week (which I *did* shave for! See my previous post...) I am consistenly suprised and appreciative of the time and generosity of most of the folks I've interviewed for this book. Curing people of their most basic flaws is no light subject!

As you know from reading this blog I am talking to people who study the human mind, as well as theologians who can speak with some degree of expertise about human values systems. So far I've interviewed a Southern Baptist pastor, a former Catholic priest, a Jewish Rabbi and a Hindu priest.

One of the big gaps right now is the Muslim perspective. As the Rabbi and I discussed this week that is particularly challenging because of the loaded political and cultural baggage placed on Islamic leaders these days. It's too bad because I'd love to chat with a really traditional Imam - and I've reached out to a few with little response back. Perhaps they are suspicious of my motives as a non-Muslim American, I dunno. I really just want to get their perspective!

Well, I will keep trying...

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