Saturday, April 11, 2009

Luxurious distance

Wow I went over a week withouth posting in this thig...sheesh!

The reality is that my marketing consultant / day job life took up tons of time this past week. So aside from reading a few relevant books during my travels (and doing a lot of highlighting), I've been pretty much ignoring the book until today.

One nice thing about taking time away from writing is the luxury of perspective. Rereading some of the work thus far today has illustrated the need for distance every so often - some of it was a real mess and I was too close to it to realize!

So today was spent editing and incoporating a few new ideas, mostly in the "Born to Sin" chapter (where I discuss the evolutionary and bioligical basis for sin). I'm hoping this week will give me more time to continue the work but life's adventure may have another plan for me...we shall see :)

1 comment:

  1. Evening, Dax! I had the same problem this week. Haven't taken the time to blog - too busy Tweeting. Still haven't caught up from the EXHIBITOR Show. Keep up the writing!
